In practise :
From May 27 to 29 2023
Castle, hall and place of Varaignes (24)
Saturday 2 – 6 pm – Sunday and Monday 10 am – 6 pm
Information: Office de Tourisme du Périgord Nontronnais in Varaignes, +33(0)5 53 56 35 76
Entry: 3 € (market – exhibition – animations – visit of the museum), 1 € (students, unemployed people, RSA), free for less than 16 years old.

The weaver market in Varaignes is one of the rare markets in France where there is a meeting between weavers, textile creators and an experienced public in a perspective of dynamization of exchanges and evolutions. Different technics related to the textile are represented: weaving (linen, hemp, wool, mohair wool, cotton…), felt work, knitting, tincture, millinery… The professionals have their heart set on showing their knowhow. This year, the weaver market will occur on May 27, 28 and 29 2023.
Exhibition “Entre terre et ciel” (Between earth and sky).
This exhibition aims to highlight the artistic creation related to the fibres and textile and to give free reins to the imagination and creativity. The creations will be presented in Varaignes from May 27 to September 28 2023.
The prize Fils & Métiers worthing 500€ will be given on May 29 2023 at 5 pm.
The prize “Coup de Cœur” of the public worthing 500€ will be given at the beginning of the month of October to the 3 winners who will have more votes.

Demonstration of knowhow
All along the weekend, different demonstrations will be proposed and animated by professionals: spindle lace, Baltic weaving, Ikat weaving, spinning of different fibres animal or vegetal.

– Workshop suitable for all
During the market, a textile professional will propose a free and playful animation which will be directly related to the theme of the exhibition “Entre terre et ciel” (between earth and sky).
– Visit of the “Musée du Tisserand et de la Charentaise” in the castle of Varaignes animated by the CPIE.
This museum relates the history of the local textile, the life of the weavers from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century as well as the history of the famous slipper “Charentaise”.
– Free access to the site “Lud’eau Vive” walk along the water – hydraulic and wild plants heritage. This year, there will be a plantation of hemp and linen.
– Demonstration of sheep shearing on Sunday May 28 around 3 pm.
– Circus show for young and adults « Duo Sur le Fil » on Monday May 29 around 2 pm.

The exhibitors
  • Murielle ARDISSON
  • Claire  AUBERT
  • Bernard AUDUREAU
  • Sylvie BESNIER
  • Camille BLANDIN
  • Loëtitia CHAMBRELENT
  • Vanessa COMBES
  • Edith DEDON
  • Christine DEVOST
  • La Fibre Textile
  • Faire et Fils
  • Anne FRUCHON
  • Françoise GORENFLOT
  • Sara GOUPY
  • Béate JUNG
  • Martine KLEIN
  • Thérèse KOHLER
  • Pauline LAIRAT
  • Soazic LANDAIS
  • Patrick LE CALVE
  • Sylvie LEMAL
  • Manon LORGUE
  • Josée MESNARD
  • Pierre MORARD
  • Martine ORMAECHEA
  • Marlène POPOVIC
  • Yolanda ROCABAYERA et Charlotte PETERS
  • Aurélie SALAT
  • Chantal WILMOTTE

Animation : Association Les Ateliages