Ceramic Market of Bussière-Badil
From May 30th to June 2nd
ART OR USEFUL OBJECTS, in earthenware, porcelain, stoneware, frozen ground or terra sigillata.fired with wood or gas, with a Raku or Anagama kiln. These items can be enameled or natural, smoothed or textured. You can find them in the ceramic market of Bussière-Badil (the former potter show)!
FOUR DAYS of celebration, emotion, talent, four days of ascent.
- Ceramic market: 44 exhibitors
- Sculpture in public: Dany Jung
- The firing : David Quéron
- Children workshop
- Projection of movies
In practice:
Ceramic market, from May 30th to June 2nd 2019
24360 Bussière-Badil
Exhibition – Selling From 10 am to 7 pm
Entry and animations (workshops, demonstrations, and projections) are free. There is a refreshment area.
THEATER night on May 31st at 10 pm: MoTTes – Ephemeral Theater of clay and made by hand by the Poisson soluble company.
Contacts: Tristan Chambaud-Héraud : 05 53 56 87 63 / 06 83 61 30 47 – tristangama@hotmail.fr
Claire Lepape : 05 24 12 14 46 / 06 20 66 80 61 – lepape.claire@yahoo.fr